Service and Support That You Can Always Count On!
Since 1992, MSI has dedicated itself to provide the best CMM calibration, repair and retrofit options in the business. Our past experience working for a major CMM manufacturer has taught us many lessons on how to do business the right way. It also gave us insight on how to provide CMM service the way it should be done. This means always trying to do the right thing. Putting you, the CMM user, first, especially if you need help. Your satisfaction is our first responsibility and we take that very seriously when you trust us with your CMM and Quality.
The difference between MSI and other OEM/Third Party services is vast in our opinion. Our experience in servicing Sheffield CMM’s from new to old far exceeds any other third party service or factory rep. that we currently know of. Some third party companies base their service by price alone. Guess what? You always get what you pay for. Many times paying less can cost you more in the long run because many times things are often overlooked or not even checked. As always we are very price conscious and we want to see your CMM calibrated the way it was originally intended to without all the comer cutting that can lead to real problems down the road. When you compare OEM service to MSI service, the first thing that comes to mind is more for less with no hassle. Last but not least there are the Calibration Houses that will calibrate everything in your shop, chances are they couldn’t even certify your machine properly but they will put a sticker on it.
We service and calibrate many different types of CMM’s. Our core business is calibrating and repairing Sheffield (Cordax) CMM’s. Our combined experience working on Sheffield CMM’s is over 100 years! We also calibrate Brown & Sharp, DEA, Starrett, Mitutoyo and IMS CMM’s. A simple phone call can verify if we can calibrate or repair your machine. Remember nobody can fix or calibrate every type of CMM. You can always count on an honest answer when it comes to our capabilities.
Being an A2LA accredited laboratory has given us many opportunities for improvement. We have had some experience with other accreditation bodies and A2LA is more stringent and technical, which in turn makes the audit process more difficult. The end result is a big plus for customers who do business with us. Through our continuous improvement we will always provide better service. Our ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration will ensure smooth sailing through any audit. If you don’t need an accredited calibration we offer other calibration options that are not accredited for less. We always keep in mind that every customer’s goal and expectation is different. Keeping things flexible to his or her needs is something everyone appreciates.
Our goals remain unchanged from day one: Provide the best CMM service we possibly can, treat each of you as we ourselves would wish to be treated, and trying to make every customer a life-long member of our CMM service family.